Internationalisation of SMEs Business Activities

Internationalisation is essential to build sustainability and growth in incubator companies. Globalisation and digitalisation make borders between countries and regions less important but increase the importance of networks.

Successful internationalisation is crucial for SME’s business activities and finding tools to support this is a common challenge for incubators.

Support Instrument from IRIS:

The IRIS method focuses on an intercultural understanding when building relevant networks for international business activities.

The IRIS support instrument for internationalisation is a checklist with facts and “unwritten rules” for all partner countries. The IRIS checklist is a guide and outlines what an SME must take into consideration for successful market entry in each country. It contains both general facts and “unwritten rules” related to business culture. Please find in the following the country facts in alphabetical order:  BY (Belarus), DE (Germany), DK (Denmark), EE (Estonia), FI (Finland), LT (Lithuania), LV (Latvia), PL (Poland), RU (Russia), SE (Sweden).

Here you can download a summary of all coutries of general facts and „unwritten rules“ related to business culture.

The jointly developed IRIS instrument can contribute to more significant effects when it comes to successful internationalisation of SME’s business activities.

The outcome document describes some recent academic research on the subject and the IRIS process to create an internationalisation checklist, which could be used for any country. The compiled checklist for 10 Baltic Sea Region countries is in preparation and will be uploaded soon.

The workshop on Internationalisation of SMEs business activities was supported by an expert input of Martins Tiknuss, Managing Partner of Gateway&Partners.

For more information about the IRIS support instrument you are welcome to contact IRIS lead partner Dalarna Science Park, who can also provide training. E-mail

Best Practice:

International Coaching Day


International Coaching Day
Kaunas Science and Technology Park, Kaunas, Lithuania
Tallinn Science Park Tehnopol, Tallinn, Estonia

Real Business Forum


Real Business Forum
Fund Victoria, Kaliningrad, Russia

Other Practices:

Startups meet Corporate
DESY, Hamburg, Germany


Support Program Export Express
Ventspils High Technology Park, Ventspils, Latvia

Photo Gallery:

The IRIS group of incubators around the Baltic Sea met in Ventspils for the meeting on „Successful management in start-ups and SME’s“.  As always all participants give a big round of applause to the regional organisers: Thank you Ventspils High Technology Park!

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