IRIS – Guidelines

These „Guidelines to incubator support instruments“ comprise all the tested and documented support instruments from IRIS-project.  They shall:

  • primarily support the transnational transfer of instruments in each of the thematic priority areas,
  • be available for other Business incubator organisations as a learning tool and thus contribute to improve the incubator´s support capacity and
  • be useful for regional actors and stakeholders with an interest in regional innovation support systems.

Furthermore innovators, be it individual persons, start-ups or other organisations, may draw some knowledge out of the experiences of the IRIS-project and its partners.


Summary of test reports

Relevance – what to achieve?

These guidelines described the selected and tested instruments, they furthermore contain experiences from provider´s and user´s perspective with feedback.  Lastly you may find in your region the IRIS contact point who may provide more information and training if needed.

IRIS best practice guidelines & recommendations are set out to answer questions like

  • How can the support that business incubators give to entrepreneurs and start-ups be enhanced in order to sustainably strengthen the regional economic development?
  • How can incubators contribute to shape the Baltic Sea Region into an attractive region for innovation and innovators?
  • How can a regional business incubator develop into a successful internationally attractive incubator?
  • How can a business incubator enhance its deal flow and improve the incubation results?
  • … and many more

Content – how we did it?

In the last three years we shared and transferred existing incubator support instruments between partners. Furthermore we also developed and tested a number of new instruments. This webpage serves as a guide-line with descriptions of useful support instruments and recommendations.  

Feel free to contact the partners in the respective countries as it was the goal to make our knowledge and experiences available for organisations outside the IRIS-partnership. Get more information here.

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