Results and Recommendations from IRIS-Workshop in Gdansk, March 13 – 15, 2018
High-quality Deal Flow
Attracting a high-quality substantial and consistent deal flow of start-ups and entrepreneurs is an identified need among incubators. Marketing and communication are keystones for reaching out and attracting a deal flow of new start-ups to the incubators.
Support Instrument from IRIS:
The IRIS instrument for High-quality deal-flow to incubators is focusing on reaching target groups by using channels and messages that apply to them. To build the communication of incubator services on customer challenges is a different and new approach to most incubators.
The new IRIS method is a process to reach each specific target group with a unique and better value proposition in more accurate channels. The approach is to specifically adapt the incubator communication to catch the interest from each individual target group. IRIS method is summarized in five steps, described in this outcome document.
The workshop on high-quality deal-flow was supported by an expert input of Bartosz Majewski, CEO & Founder of Casbeg.
For more information about the IRIS support instrument you are welcome to contact IRIS lead partner Dalarna Science Park, who can also provide training. E-mail kontakt@dalarnasciencepark.se
Best Practice:
Pre-Acceleration Program
We invite candidates to join a free pre-acceleration program and develop their startup idea into growing business!
Both startups who have already reached some milestones as well as those who only have a burning idea and immense wish to build a business are welcome to apply.
Download the pdf to the best practice here:
Pre-Acceleration Program
Startup Division, Vilnius, Lithuania
Gazelle Indicator
Entrepreneurship Programme for high-growth Enterprises
Gazelle Indicator – Entrepreneurship Programm for high-growth Enterprises
Erhvervshus Midtjylland, Aarhus, Denmark
Gdansk Entrepreneurship Incubator
STARTER – Gdansk Entrepreneurship Incubator
Gdansk Entrepreneurial Foundation, Gdansk, Poland
Other Practices:
Kaunas Science and Technology Park, Kaunas, Lithuania
Turku Science Park, Turku, Finland
Photo Gallery:
The IRIS group of incubators around the Baltic Sea met in Gdansk for the meeting on „Coaching for entrepreneurship and sustainability“. As always all participants give a big round of applause to the regional organisers: Thank you Gdansk Entrepreneurship Foundation!
Gdansk at Night
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