Contact Point South Baltic

Contact Point South Baltic

Discover international waters with the Interreg South Baltic Programme! Since 2015, WITENO GmbH has operated as the official national contact point for this programme. Our aim is to promote cross-border cooperation between local and regional stakeholders from the southern Baltic Sea region. Under the motto United by the sea into action for blue and green future – Innovative, Sustainable, Attractive and Active South Baltic” a wide range of activities are promoted. Are you looking for partners for cooperation? Would you like to cooperate internationally? We can provide you with information on the Interreg South Baltic Programme and, if required, on other European funding programmes. Contact us for more information! The best time to reach us is between 9:00 and 12:00 and 13:00 and 18:00. Would you like to stay up to date? Simply sign up for our news.

The 4th call for proposals is open from 05th of November 2024 until the 04th of February 2025. The final decision about this is planned for 24th of October. The 4th call is open for regular projects in priority 1.1; 2.1; 2.2 3.1 and 4.1.

Additionally, the 2nd call for Small Scale Projects for priority 4.1 is open in parallel. Special requirements to support the involvement of newcomers will be required. More information you could find at the program web page.

We will be happy to support you with project planning, partner search and application. In addition to the planned workshops, you are also welcome to contact us directly.

The JS organises the 2nd round of project consultations on 14-16 as well as on 21-23 January. The consultation will take place online or in the JS office depending on your choice and availability of places. Please note that project consultations will be conducted only within the indicated timeframe. The registration for individual project consultation could be found at

Project idea 05:Following project ideas looking for partners from MV:

Project idea 44: FAS(D) and the Family across Baltic
Project idea 45: Touristic use of Golden smuggling years 1920-1932 (Small Scale Project idea)
Project idea 46: Implementation of a AI tool for building material screening
Project idea 47: Climate bridges: empowering communities for sustainable transition
Project idea 48: PrepAlliance – Allies increasing preparedness level in civil society
Project idea 49: Develop climate adaptation solutions and tourism strategies for small coastal towns in SBR
Project idea 50: Nature formation – strengthening future generations’ competence regarding nature.
Project idea 51: Sustainable climate adaptation combining coastal protection and recreational opportunities
Project idea 52: Public-Edu-Business Platform focused on education and training for the Baltic Energy Transition
Project idea 53: Intereg South Baltic Water Concept: Flooding
Project idea 54: Networking of museums and stakeholder institutions to make museums accessible
Project idea 55: Roots & Roofs: Growing Resilient Communities in the South Baltic
Project idea 56: Support of the development of Vertical Axis Wind Turbines
Project idea 57:Forest Therapy: Integrating Nature with Health Care in the South Baltic Region
Project idea 58:AIM-VOLTS Artificial Intelligence for Matching Volunteers for Transnational Support
Project idea 59:On the Trail of the Death Voyage. The maritime evacuation of Stutthof Concentration Camp in 1945
Project idea 60:Creating tools for cross-border cooperation of science and technology parks, industrial parks, incubators, etc. in implementing the principles of the circular economy
Project idea 61:Pomeranian-Scandinavian Cooperation Centre for Rural Development
Project idea 62:Experimental sustainable solutions for rural heritage
Project idea 63:FloodSafe Baltic: flood management, including managing cloudbursts and heavy rainfall
Project idea 64:Aimused: make museums more accessible, make attractions more resilient to fluctuations
Project idea 65:Public services digitalization and active citizen involvement in administration of public services
Project idea 66:Non-conventional industrial buildings as a tourist attraction
Project idea 67:Project Collaboration Arena – building an collaboration arena that solves society challenges
Project idea 68:Sustainable tourism development, using cultural heritage as a central driving force


Projectideas looking for partner in all other regions

Project idea 01: SeaGarden-Regenerative marine farming
Project idea 02: Inspire – Integrating Sustainability in Partnership-based Initiatives for Coastal Development in the SB
Project idea 03: Golden smuggling years 1920-1932
Project idea 04: Supporting network for newcomers in SB
Project idea 05: Network to increase cyber resilience in public organisations and SMEIM
Project idea 06:Petus increasing the IMPact of wind energy through high efficiency Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Systems
Project idea 07:Improved water system management through integrated monitoring and analysis
Project idea 08:Resilient Coastal Tourism in the South Baltic Region
Project idea 09:Forest Therapy: Integrating Nature with Health Care in the South Baltic Region
Project idea 10:Climate bridges: empowering communities for sustainable transition
Project idea 11:PrepAlliance Allies increasing preparedness level in civil society
Project idea 12:AIM-VOLTS Artificial Intelligence for Matching Volunteers for Transnational Support
Project idea 13:On the Trail of the Death Voyage. The maritime evacuation of Stutthof Concentration Camp in 1945
Project idea 14:Baltic EDU: Education & Skills Platform
Project idea 15:Creating tools for cross-border cooperation of science and technology parks, industrial parks, incubators, etc. in implementing the principles of the circular economy
Project idea 16:Pomeranian-Scandinavian Cooperation Centre for Rural Development
Project idea 17:Experimental sustainable solutions for rural heritage
Project idea 18:HerON – Intelligent Maritime Heritage Explorer (looking for partners in SE, DK)
Project idea 19:FloodSafe Baltic: flood management, including managing cloudbursts and heavy rainfall
Project idea 20:Aimused: make museums more accessible, make attractions more resilient to fluctuations

Please contact us if you are interested in one of the topics or if you are looking for partners for your own idea.

Do you have a project idea and would like to know if it fits into the Interreg South Baltic program 2021-2027?

We will be happy to support you in developing your project idea. Simply arrange a consultation appointment with the contact point or meet us on 20 November in Greifswald.

Calculating tool for staff cost reporting in CST2021 using date range

Here you could download a small excel table to calculat staff cost if you could like to use the data range methode. You could get a version with 7 month on request.

Guidance document on the calculation of indirect aid

Here you will find an unofficial guidance document on the calculation of indirect aid granted under GBER 20a for SMEs for the German partners of the Interreg South Baltic program. The document provides guidance on how to calculate the amount of aid to be granted in the programs concerned. If you have any questions or requests for additions, we would be pleased to receive your feedback.

We would like to support your project development.

Here you can find a small tool for planning project partner budgets. Please note that this is not an official tool. You are welcome to use it and then transfer the data into the official documents. It would be nice if you could send us bugs and suggestions for improvement so that we can further improve the tool.
Quick guide:
The green fields can be filled in, the yellow fields are calculated. The calculation of the personnel costs is done on a monthly basis (personnel month) over the entire selected project duration. (0.25 PM is approx. 5 working days).


Contact Point MV South Baltic
Brandteichstr. 20
17489 Greifswald

Alexander Schwock
Manager of the Contact Point
✆    +49 3834 550 102
✉    schwock (at)

Range of services:

    • Information and advice on the programme
    • Support in partner search and team building
    • Advice on current calls for proposals
    • Support in the implementation of projects
    • Training on programme-specific issues
    • and much more


05.11.24-04.02.25 4th call for proposals

    EU Programmlogo Interreg South Baltic

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